
    Strength Within: The Evolution of Stiff Person Syndrome Through the Inspiration of Celine Dion

    Introduction In our previous article on Osteomag ( ), we explored Celine Dion’s fascinating journey through Stiff Person Syndrome, a rare but pivotal neurological condition that...

    The Liberating Benefits of Osteopathy for Sciatica during Pregnancy

    Le mal de dos durant la grossesse est assez commun et généralement dû au fait de porter un poids supplémentaire sur l'avant du corps. Mais s'il est naturel de ressentir une certaine douleur au milieu du dos ou dans les fesses, certaines personnes sont confrontées à une affection douloureuse appelée sciatique.

    Fate, Miracles, and Osteopathy: Exploring the Interplay of Belief and Healing

    Introduction In the realm of osteopathy, miracles often describe those remarkable recoveries where patients experience significant relief from chronic pain, restored mobility, or enhanced well-being...

    Feminine Wellness Zone




        How Evolution Shaped Our Skeletal Structure

        Introduction to Evolutionary Anatomy Evolutionary anatomy, is the study of anatomical structures and their evolutionary development across different species, with a particular focus on humans. This field is crucial for understanding how our skeletal structure has evolved to accommodate various functions, behaviors, and environmental challenges. The human skeleton is a remarkable...



          Sporting Wellbeing Corner


            How do anabolic steroids affect the brain?

            The Effects of Anabolic Steroids on the Brain: An In-Depth Analysis Based on Scientific Research Introduction Anabolic steroids, synthetic variations of the male sex hormone testosterone, exert profound effects on the body, and their impact extends to the brain. These substances are often misused by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance muscle...



              Similarities Between Influenza of 1918 and COVID-19: Economic Impact and Perspectives in Osteopathy

              The repercussions of pandemics on the economy and public health are phenomena that transcend time. When comparing the 1918 influenza and the current COVID-19 pandemic, striking similarities emerge, influencing not only the global economy but also the way osteopathic practitioners interact with their audiences. This in-depth analysis will highlight more parallels...