What is Osteopathy ?
Osteopathy is a form of manual care that recognizes the important link between the structure of the body and its functioning and vice versa. Osteopaths focus on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue, and internal organs function as a whole body unit. This view allows osteopaths to provide holistic treatment. Osteopaths use techniques on the body that allow us to treat all types of musculoskeletal problems, including sports injuries, at all ages, from children to adults and the elderly.
What do osteopaths commonly see?
Back ache
Migraines and headaches
neck pain
jaw problems
shoulder pain
sports injuries
Postural problems
Repetitive strain injuries
Hip pain
knee pain
ankle pain
Pregnancy and postnatal care
What type of treatment do osteopaths offer?
Osteopaths are trained to identify conditions that affect the skeleton, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, fascia, nerves, circulation, and internal organs. The techniques are:
Soft tissue massage
joint mobilization
Muscle Energetic Stretching Techniques (MET)
Myofascial Release (TPT)
Balancing ligament tension techniques
What is the difference between osteopathy, chiropractic and physiotherapy?
Les OstĂ©opathes, Chiropraticiens et PhysiothĂ©rapeutes se distinguent par leurs diffĂ©rents principes et mĂ©thodes de traitement. L’ostĂ©opathie utilise une gamme de techniques pour traiter Ă la fois les muscles et les articulations du corps afin de soutenir le mĂ©canisme d’autoguĂ©rison du corps. L’objectif de l’ostĂ©opathie est de s’attaquer Ă la cause sous-jacente du problème prĂ©sentĂ©, non seulement pour fournir un soulagement symptomatique, mais aussi des rĂ©sultats positifs durables.
What should I wear during the treatment
It is recommended to you wear comfortable, loose and easy-to-move clothing.
I am pregnant, can osteopathy help me?
Osteopathic treatment is a proven, safe and effective therapy for pregnant women. Osteopaths will select the most appropriate treatments to help the natural process of pregnancy and childbirth. The emphasis will be on adapting to postural changes, injury prevention.
In children and babies, can osteopathy intervene?
Cranial osteopathy can provide a safe and gentle treatment for babies who have experienced a traumatic birth, who are disturbed or who have trouble sleeping. It aids in healing, relaxation and promotes sleep, digestion and body alignment through gentle mobilization of the head and body.
How many appointments will I need?
Many osteopaths will be able to successfully treat a recent or acute injury in just one to three sessions. However, older issues or chronic pain will likely take a little longer to improve and could see a patient complete up to six or more sessions before experiencing the full benefits of treatment.
Is osteopathic treatment painful?
Most osteopathic treatments are manual therapies and should not cause excessive discomfort. If your injuries require manual treatment of painful and tender areas, your osteopath will work to make you as comfortable as possible. Some techniques may cause short-term discomfort or pain. You may feel mild pain for a day or two after treatment, similar to that felt after light exercise. If this pain persists or increases significantly, call your osteopath to discuss your concerns
What happens during my first consultation?
The following step will be taken to provide you the best treatment outcome:
- Questionnaire about your complaint.
- Medical history
- Orthopedic or neurological tests, postural assessments.
- Osteopathic articular range of movement
Osteopathy takes a whole body approach to treatment. Your osteopath can examine the area that is bothering you as well as other parts of your body. For example, if you have knee pain, your osteopath can also examine your ankle, pelvis and back.
Your osteopath can also provide training and advice to help you manage your condition between treatments. This may include giving you exercises to do at home or at work.