Intercostal neuralgia is a pain felt along the subcostal nerve located between the ribs.


  • Sneezing, possibly causing displacement of one or more ribs
  • Pressure from the abdominal cavity
  • There is a malposition of a rib which is either too high or too low. This causes a premature pinching of the subcostal nerve, resulting in breathing difficulties.
  • Sneezing, possibly causing displacement of one or more ribs
  • Pregnancy
  • Pressure from the abdominal cavity
    • Ulcère estomac
    • Fetal position, the fetus pushes the ribs with its feet, buttocks
    • Engorged liver
    • Pathological cause: infection, trauma causing a fracture


Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by neuropathic pain in the distribution of the affected intercostal nerve(s) (along the ribs, chest, or abdomen) that usually manifests as a sharp, aching, radiating, burning, or stabbing pain and may be associated with paresthesias such as numbness and tingling.

Therapeutic Approach:

  • Relaxation of the intercostal muscle to allow harmonization of the costal movement