
    Feminine Wellness Zone


      High-heeled shoes, torture for the joint

      Wearing high-heeled shoes creates many sagittal plane deformities and is perhaps one of the most serious postural injuries, as high-heeled shoes begin to take effect at the very base of the body; the effects are then felt throughout the body.



        From Homo habilis to Homo erectus: Biomechanics and Health

        Introduction Overview of Human Evolution: From Homo habilis to Homo erectus The journey of human evolution is marked by significant milestones, with the transition from Homo habilis to Homo erectus being one of the most pivotal. Homo habilis, often referred to as the "handy man," lived around 2.4 to 1.4 million...



          Female Body: Hypermobility & Structural Adaptations

          Introduction The human body is an intricate network of structural and functional systems, and nowhere is this complexity more evident than in the female anatomy. With adaptations that have evolved over millennia, the female body has developed unique features that serve specific reproductive and biomechanical purposes. These adaptations influence not...

          Sporting Wellbeing Corner


            Tennis Leg: Understanding Medial Gastrocnemius Strain

            L'entorse du gastrocnĂ©mienennis ou tennis leg fait rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  une douleur aigu au mollet dĂ» Ă  une dĂ©chirure du gastrocnĂ©mien mĂ©dial. Cette blessure est gĂ©nĂ©ralement subie par des personnes dâ€™Ă¢ge moyen, encourue avec l’extension du genou et la dorsiflexion forcĂ©e de la cheville.

