
Emphysema is a chronic lung disease characterized by the destruction of the lung alveoli, leading to a decreased ability of the lungs to absorb oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide. Although osteopathy cannot cure emphysema, it can play an important role in managing symptoms and improving patients’ quality of life.

The osteopathic approach to treating emphysema focuses primarily on managing muscle tension and movement restrictions that can affect breathing and lung function. Osteopaths use gentle manual techniques to relieve muscle tension, improve thoracic mobility and promote more efficient breathing.

One of the techniques commonly used in osteopathy for patients with emphysema is respiratory therapy. This approach aims to improve respiratory capacity using specific breathing techniques, as well as manual manipulations to release muscle tension and movement restrictions in the thoracic region and diaphragm.

Osteopaths may also work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as pulmonologists and respiratory physiotherapists, to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for emphysema patients. This may include specific breathing exercises, advice on posture and stress management, as well as lifestyle and nutrition recommendations.

It is important to note that osteopathy does not replace conventional medical treatments for emphysema, such as bronchodilator medications, oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation. However, it can be used in a complementary manner to help relieve symptoms, improve lung function and promote the general well-being of patients.

Causes of emphysema

Emphysema, a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), has well-identified primary causes, with smoking at the top of the list. Smoking is the main risk factor for the development of emphysema. Cigarette smoke contains many irritants and toxic agents that damage lung tissue over time. Chemicals in smoke irritate the airways and trigger an inflammatory response that leads to the progressive destruction of the pulmonary alveoli, resulting in a reduction in the surface area for gas diffusion and obstruction of the airways.

Another significant cause of emphysema is exposure to second-hand smoke. Non-smokers who are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke also have an increased risk of developing emphysema. Second-hand smoke also contains toxins and harmful particles that can damage the lungs and lead to injuries similar to those seen in smokers.

In addition to smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke, certain occupations carry an increased risk of emphysema due to exposure to irritating chemicals, dusts, or gases. For example, workers in mining, construction sites, agriculture, and other industries may be exposed to hazardous substances that damage the lungs over time, increasing the risk of emphysema.

Genetic factors also play a role in the development of emphysema. Some people may be genetically predisposed to developing the disease, even in the absence of known environmental factors. For example, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is an inherited condition that can increase the risk of emphysema. This protein, produced by the liver, protects the lungs from damage caused by certain enzymes. A deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin can lead to a buildup of destructive enzymes in the lungs, contributing to the development of emphysema.

The main causes of emphysema are usually linked to prolonged exposures to lung irritants, particularly smoking. Here are the main causes of emphysema:

  1. Smoking: Smoking is the most common cause of emphysema. The chemicals present in tobacco smoke damage the walls of the pulmonary alveoli, causing their gradual destruction.
  2. Occupational Exposure: Some workers may be exposed to irritant or toxic substances in the workplace, which may contribute to the development of emphysema. For example, regular inhalation of industrial dust or chemicals can damage the lungs.
  3. Environmental Exposure: Prolonged inhalation of certain air pollutants, such as outdoor or indoor air pollution, may increase the risk of emphysema.
  4. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency: Although less common, emphysema can be caused by a genetic deficiency of alpha-1-antitrypsin. This protein helps protect the lungs from excessive activity of an enzyme called elastase, which can damage lung tissue. In the absence of alpha-1-antitrypsin, the lungs are more vulnerable to damage.
  5. Other Genetic Factors: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to developing emphysema, even in the absence of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency.

Symptoms of emphysema

Emphysema, a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), presents several characteristic symptoms that significantly impact patients’ quality of life. Shortness of breath, also called dyspnea, is one of the main symptoms of emphysema. This feeling of lack of air can occur even during simple activities and can progress over time, limiting the patient’s physical abilities.

Chronic cough is also common in people with emphysema. It is often dry or productive, sometimes accompanied by sputum. This cough can be triggered by irritation of the respiratory tract caused by irritants such as smoke, dust or air pollution.

Fatigue is another common symptom of emphysema. The increased respiratory efforts required to compensate for decreased lung function can cause significant physical and mental fatigue in patients. This fatigue can interfere with daily activities and contribute to a decreased quality of life.

Some patients may also experience chest pain or a feeling of tightness in the chest. This pain may be due to increased muscle tension, inflammation of the lung tissues, or complications such as respiratory infections.

Additionally, unintentional weight loss is a potential symptom of severe emphysema. Significant breathing difficulties may result in decreased appetite and increased energy expenditure, which may lead to unintentional weight loss in some patients.

  1. Shortness of breath: This is one of the most common symptoms. People with emphysema often have difficulty breathing, especially when doing physical activities.
  2. Cough: A persistent cough is common in people with emphysema. Coughing may produce mucus.
  3. Mucus Production: The airways may produce more mucus than usual, which can contribute to coughing.
  4. Feeling of Tightness or Constriction in the Chest: Some individuals may feel a feeling of tightness or tightness in the chest due to difficulty exhaling completely.
  5. Fatigue: Constant shortness of breath can lead to increased fatigue because the body has to work harder to get enough oxygen.
  6. Weight Loss: In advanced cases, difficulty breathing can lead to unintentional weight loss.
  7. Tambourine-Shaped Fingers (Clubbing): In some cases, the fingers may take on a tambourine shape, characterized by widening of the fingertips.
  8. Blue Lips and Nails (Cyanosis): Due to low oxygen in the blood, lips and nails may take on a bluish tint.


The pathophysiology of emphysema, a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), primarily involves damage to lung tissue, leading to impaired respiratory function. This alteration is characterized by the destruction of the walls of the pulmonary alveoli, the small air sacs responsible for gas exchange.

The main contributing factor to the pathophysiology of emphysema is smoking. Cigarette smoke contains toxins and irritants that cause chronic inflammation of the airways. This inflammation leads to activation of immune cells and the release of inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines, which lead to destruction of lung tissue.

The destruction of the alveolar walls, also called lung parenchyma, reduces the surface area available for gas exchange. This decreases the lungs’ ability to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, leading to hypoxemia (reduced level of oxygen in the blood) and hypercapnia (increased level of carbon dioxide in the blood).

The destruction of the alveolar walls also leads to a loss of elasticity of the lungs. Normally, the lungs have a natural elasticity that allows them to fill with air when inhaling and empty when exhaling. However, in emphysema, this elasticity is compromised, leading to airway obstruction during exhalation and retention of air in the lungs, which is often described as “air trapping.”

This airway obstruction during expiration contributes to the characteristic shortness of breath seen in patients with emphysema. Shortness of breath is exacerbated during physical activities or exertion, when the body’s need for oxygen increases and the lungs’ ability to meet this demand is limited.

The pathophysiology of emphysema, a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), primarily involves damage to lung tissue, leading to impaired respiratory function. This alteration is characterized by the destruction of the walls of the pulmonary alveoli, the small air sacs responsible for gas exchange.

The main contributing factor to the pathophysiology of emphysema is smoking. Cigarette smoke contains toxins and irritants that cause chronic inflammation of the airways. This inflammation leads to activation of immune cells and the release of inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines, which lead to destruction of lung tissue.

The destruction of the alveolar walls, also called lung parenchyma, reduces the surface area available for gas exchange. This decreases the lungs’ ability to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, leading to hypoxemia (reduced level of oxygen in the blood) and hypercapnia (increased level of carbon dioxide in the blood).

The destruction of the alveolar walls also leads to a loss of elasticity of the lungs. Normally, the lungs have a natural elasticity that allows them to fill with air when inhaling and empty when exhaling. However, in emphysema, this elasticity is compromised, leading to airway obstruction during exhalation and retention of air in the lungs, which is often described as “air trapping.”

This airway obstruction during expiration contributes to the characteristic shortness of breath seen in patients with emphysema. Shortness of breath is exacerbated during physical activities or exertion, when the body’s need for oxygen increases and the lungs’ ability to meet this demand is limited.

  1. Damage to the Alveoli: The alveoli are small air sacs located at the end of the bronchioles in the lungs. In people with emphysema, the elastic walls of the alveoli suffer damage.
  2. Loss of Pulmonary Elasticity: The walls of the alveoli contain elastic tissue that allows expansion and contraction during breathing. Due to various factors, including smoking, air pollutants, and other lung irritants, these walls lose their normal elasticity.
  3. Destruction of Alveolar Walls: In emphysema, the walls of the alveoli may undergo progressive destruction, leading to the formation of large irregular air pockets rather than numerous small sacs. This reduces the surface area available for gas exchange in the lungs.
  4. Obstruction of Airflow: Loss of elasticity and destruction of the alveolar walls results in obstruction of airflow during expiration. The small airways, called bronchioles, may also be affected.
  5. Air Trapping: Due to obstruction, air finds it difficult to be expelled from the lungs during exhalation. This can lead to air being trapped in the lungs, causing lung distension.
  6. Decreased Gas Exchange Surface Area: Decreased surface area available for gas exchange reduces the ability of the lungs to properly oxygenate the blood and eliminate carbon dioxide.
  7. Inflammation: Inflammation can accompany the process of destruction of the alveolar walls. Inflammation can further contribute to airway obstruction and tissue damage.
  8. Immune Response: The body can trigger an immune response to try to repair the damage. However, this response may also contribute to inflammation and pathological changes.

It is important to note that smoking is the most significant risk factor associated with emphysema. Chemicals in tobacco smoke directly damage the walls of the alveoli and contribute to chronic inflammation.

Recommendation for those suffering from emphysema

  1. Stopping Smoking: Stopping smoking is crucial to slowing the progression of emphysema. Smoking cessation programs and medical support can be essential.
  2. Medical treatment :
    • Bronchodilators: Bronchodilators, such as beta-agonists and anticholinergics, can help open the airways, making breathing easier (prescribed by doctor).
    • Corticosteroids: In some cases, inhaled corticosteroids may be prescribed (doctor) to reduce lung inflammation.
  3. Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Pulmonary rehabilitation programs may include exercises, nutritional counseling and psychological support to improve quality of life and lung function.
  4. Oxygen therapy: Oxygen therapy may be recommended in people with severe hypoxemia to improve blood oxygen saturation.
  5. Vaccination: Influenza and pneumococcal vaccines may be recommended to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
  6. Management of Complications: Management of complications such as respiratory infections, acute exacerbations of COPD, and other associated health problems is important.
  7. Avoidance of Environmental Risk Factors: Avoiding exposure to other lung irritants, such as air pollution and toxic chemicals, can help prevent further deterioration.
  8. Surgery: In some severe cases, lung surgery, including lung transplantation, may be considered. However, this depends on the individual assessment of the patient and the severity of the disease.

It is imperative that these recommendations be discussed with a healthcare professional, as each person may present with specific needs and circumstances. An individualized treatment plan should be developed in collaboration with the treating physician, taking into account the severity of the disease, specific symptoms and patient preferences.

Osteopathic approach for the treatment of emphysema

  • Observation and palpation
    • The first step is to determine the quality of the fabrics. In the lung region, how much does the rib cage move during inspiration? Is its general shape flexible or rigid? Does the sternum rise or fall with inspiration? Do ribs rise and fall the same way? Which tissue most needs to be relaxed and mobilized?
  • Rising of the coasts
  • Rib joint
  • Para-radical muscle stretching
  • Lymphatic pump
  • Liberation of the occipito-atlantal
  • Release of the cervical paravertebral muscles
  • Liberation of the cervical joint
  • Release of the diaphragm
  • Oscillatory release