Symptom no. 1: Always lies on the same side in bed

Babies with the disease will usually remain curved to one side all the time. This is because the curvature of their spine means that this is the only comfortable position for them. This is a symptom that can help to get early treatment, but is often not easily noticeable.

Symptom No. 2: Bulging on the side of the chest

Symptom No. 3: Heart and lung problems

A curved spine can restrict the space available in the chest area. This can restrict the organs and blood vessels within, hindering their ability to function as they should. This is potentially serious and is something that is usually found in infants with the disease.

Symptom #4: A hip appears larger

Many people with scoliosis will find that one of their hips appears to be more prominent than the other. This is because the curvature of the spine can make one side stand out more than the other. Despite this, the hips themselves may still be the same size as each other.

Symptom No. 5: A higher shoulder

People with scoliosis, however, are likely to find that one shoulder is higher than the other. This is because the curvature of their spine can cause the shoulders to grow at an angle rather than horizontally. This can also make it difficult for them to lift objects.

Symptom No. 6: Off-centre head

The curvature of the spine can cause the head to grow at an awkward angle and the patient’s head may naturally tilt to one side. This is something that can sometimes be treated, depending on the severity of the condition.

Symptom No. 7: Clothes don’t fit right

With a curved spine, other parts of the body are also likely to lose their symmetry. This will cause the body dimensions to be somewhat different from the norm, and there will probably be few clothes that fit well. Those who are lucky enough can have clothes made to measure for them.

Symptom No. 8: Asymmetric rib cage

For people with scoliosis, the rib cage is often not symmetrical. The curvature of the spine often means that one side of the rib cage is higher than the other. Each side may also have a different shape to the other.

Symptom No. 9: Uneven legs

For people with scoliosis, one leg may be a different length than the other. This will obviously make it quite difficult for them to walk. It is also thought that uneven legs could be the cause of scoliosis in some cases.